Thursday, 20 October 2011


There are so many programs available for editing videos such as; Windows Movie Maker, Magix or even final cut pro.
The program we have selected to use for our video is 'final cut pro'. It is fairly simple once you get use to the process of working with it. There are so many different functions you can fiddle around with, producing alot of effective features on your video.

Editing our music video will include cutting and pasting the shots into the correct order for the narrative to make sense. 
I think the most difficult part whilst editing will be the flashbacks, as these scenes will be  different from the rest of the scenes in the video. For example; making it look like a black and white vision - this makes it stand out as it is in the past therefore must be clearly differentiated from the present scenes. This makes the narrative and message of our music video more clear. 

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